4. aug, 2017

I dag fekk eg denne kjekke helsinga frå USA:) I got this great message from USA today :)

Dariuz har fått kamera i posten, og eg fekk denne helsinga hjå han i dag tidleg. Hi Cato !! Thanks for this great opportunity for us to meet and enjoy all the great photos from Denali Expedition, thanks to You my friend. 😊😀😉
Det var veldig kjekt å få vite at kamera var komen fram, og at han har fått tak i bildene. Men har snakka litt Saman på messenger, og kjem til å holde kontakten. Eg har ynskte han lykke til med neste eventyr, og sagt til han at han må halde meg oppdatert, så kanskje våre vegar krysses igjen😊
I dag står det ein Artikkel i Vestnytt om kamera saka, så det passa godt at eg fekk denne meldinga frå USA i dag. Eg trur eg skal sende han artikkelen frå Vestnytt. Han og kameratene synes det er artig at dei er blitt skriven om i avisene i Norge, dei har blitt litt kjendiser i USA og Polen og. Fleire aviser der borte har skrive om denne saken, så det er litt ekstra artig. God sommer helsing frå Spania til mine nye venner i USA.
Dariuz has got his Camera in the mail, and I got his greating from him this morning:
Hi Cato !! Thanks for this great opportunity for us to meet and enjoy all the great photos from Denali Expedition, thanks to You my friend. 😊😀😉
It was very nice to know that the camera had arrived, and that he had gotten the pictures. I have wished him luck with the next adventure and told him to keep in touch, and maybe our path will cross again.
Today there is an article in Vestnytt about the camera, som it was nice to get this message from the USA today. I think I will send him the article from Vestnytt. He and the comrades think it's nice that they have been written in the newspapers in Norway, they have become some celebrities in the United States and Poland and. There are many newspapers that have written about this case, so it's a little extra fun. Happy summer from my familyholiday in Spain to my new friends in the United States.